
  • Taoist Visceral Manipulation (Chi Nei Tsang)

    Abdominal palpation and manipulation are used to diagnose and correct Chinese medicine patterns of imbalance, increase circulation, stimulate lymphatic drainage, reposition organs, release myofascial binding, relax psoas and other muscular spasm/tension/trigger points, and decrease adhesions or numbness of cesarean and surgical scars. Also working with breath and emotions. Excellent for anyone looking to enhance health and vitality but especially beneficial as a supplement to fertility protocols - whether trying naturally or in combination with in-vitro fertilization procedures.

  • Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine

    Chinese medicine uses Oriental pulse and tongue diagnosis, palpation, and a thorough exploration of medical and mental/emotional history to help determine patterns of imbalance. Decreased blood volume, damp-heat accumulation, heart yin deficiency, and liver qi stagnation are a few examples of the patterns/tendencies we work with. Listen to Apple Podcast interview HERE to learn more. Acupuncture point selection and herbal formulas are specific to each person’s unique constitution, treating the root causes underlying symptoms. Acupuncture needles are very thin, not at all like a syringe, and are disposed of after single use.

  • Craniosacral Therapy

    Craniosacral therapy works with the expression of intrinsic tissue motion, rhythms relating to cerebrospinal fluid circulating in the tissues (meninges) that surround the brain and spinal cord, and other palpable “tides” to help determine and release strain patterns.

816-516-9938 · 3100 Brown Station Rd Ste D, Columbia MO